When it came to developing the website for The Bells, we were given a clear brief of what was desired; the team wanted a completely bespoke, responsive creation, breaking away from typical designs that are used in the industry. They wished for consistent assets, that would complement each design and give a strong sense of branding, along with shifting their digital experience into something truly inspirational, whilst still being viewable on any device.
Using The Bells' library of high-quality apartment images, we created a seamless, showcase-gallery experience, where prospective buyers could stream from page to page gracefully, on any screen-size. A photo heavy website means that viewers are immediately engaged, and remain in a state of awe with every click.
To add that extra layer of polish, we added sleek transitions to each page, and created stylish animations throughout the site, captivating users and urging them to delve deeper. This gave The Bells the premium experience that they wanted.
This new identity has now been adopted across all of their printed materials and marketing assets. The luxury within The Bells apartments is now truly reflected in all of their communications - digital or otherwise. Marvellous.
If you'd like to see something impressive, then please click here www.thebellsleeds.com